Friday, November 28, 2008

Scheduled Downtime on the Busiest Shopping Weekend..

Here in this Dorque article, they note that the site will be scheduled for maintenance on Sunday, Nov 30, between 4-6am EST.

Well, golly gee fuckers, this is the busiest shopping weekend of the year for the United States, and possibly for international customers to get great deals on items too.

We all know how the upgrades went the last time they did this during the holiday season.. *cough*clusterfuck*cough*

How about growing a brain, Admin and quit messing with our businesses in a way that could adversely impact our own holiday spending cash?? What in the flying fuck were you thinking?!? Oh wait, you weren't and that's part of the problem...


Kali said...

Just par for the course when it comes to Etsy. Don't forget that V2 rolled out in mid November and was still partly nonfunctional by December.

I don't get it. Why is Etsy still a clusterphuck? Haim and RD are gone, Rob is off playing at, has anyone even heard from Jared. So, what? Now that the golden parachutes have been handed out, the rest can just go to hell in a vintage handbasket? I would have thought that $27 million would have engendered more than this.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are going to fix the "admin on the front page in the treasury" problem with some script instead of insisting they have "rules to prevent that type of thing."

Yeah, it happened again today. Stella was FP long enough to make a sale on the featured item and even commented on how wonderful it was to be featured as the maker's inspiration. She was def. aware that she had a featured spot in a treasury that conveniently became a FP for over an hour before she was taken down...her comment was logged twelve hours prior. Wonder which staff member she got to do the dirty work for her?

I have screen shots of the whole fiasco...

kcroteau said...


after the BS that went on the other night, I keep finding more and more reasons to be happy that I'll be moving my measly shop to another site soon.

Anonymous said...

1-3am in the morning PST is not that big of a deal, let's not overreact..

The Sneaky One said...

ROFLMAO. The last time they did something like this, it lasted several more hours and the problems weren't remotely fixed...

I don't think its overreacting. Its their stupidity, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, bijouxdelalune, I think there's been some confusion.

stellalola is a seller.

stellaloella is the admin.

Close spelling on the usernames, but very different people.

Etsy screws up enough without pinning something on them that isn't a problem.

Kali said...

Lolly said...

1-3am in the morning PST is not that big of a deal, let's not overreact..

If it were any other website, then yes, it could be overreacting.

But this is Etsy, and having been there for nearly 3 years now, I can say for sure that I am a bit concerned about their timing.

Why are they not doing it tonight, or between Saturday and Sunday? But right before Cyber Monday??

Etsy history + Etsy timing != Etsy user confidence

eclipse said...

bijouxdelalune, that treasury you linked to features a seller named "stellalola", not the admin stellaloella.

Anonymous said...

bijouxdelalune - check your facts. The front pager is stellalola (from Loganville, Georgia), NOT stellaloella, etsyadmin.

Anonymous said...

Lolli, there are a lot of people in the world in other time zones, did you know that?

Anonymous said...

did you run out of tranquilizers, or weed or something?

Calm down - they need to finish something from last time, and they're doing it at 5 in the frickin morning.

I know this is 'etsy bitch' but that doesn't mean you have to 'bitch' about stupid crap that isn't worth mentioning. Theres your snarky comment.

Anonymous said...

That front page item that is linked to above is not from StellaLoella... it's from StellaLola. Stella the admin made pottery, hand-bound books, and small envelopes... and hasn't sold anything since April of 2007.

And I'm with Lolly, there are different engineers working for Etsy now, I have greater faith that the downtime will go as scheduled. Maybe I'm just hopeful, but I guess we'll know soon enough.

The Righteous One said...

They could have put it off until Tuesday, or if it's really that important for handling Monday's traffic they should've done it middle of last week...the point is, if this goes like other late November fixes have gone on Etsy, they'll be down a month.

Yes, they have new engineers...and wow, what a job they've done on search...oh, wait.

Etsy is an ecommerce site. They should be aware of the retail calendar. As such they should be prepped for it. This is not the weekend to be making infrastructure changes. Retailers spend all year preparing for this one weekend. Black Friday got its name from its ability to push a store into the black for the year - the whole year hinges on this weekend. Cyber Monday is the internet equivalent as everyone goes back to work and online. But it's turned into a 4-day extravaganza of shopping.

Etsy even promoted it in their Etsy Finds for crissakes!!! And now there may be "intermittent connectivity issues".


Plus they didn't exactly announce it to was one of those damn opt-in emails and a dorque article. nice

Anonymous said...

my bad...unlike etsy...I admit my mistake.

MI Zombie said...

stellaloella have something in her shop to sell? She didn't even nothing in her shop to sell when she was featured member! lol Empty shop but was featured seller!

Well, just hope the update goes well! While it is really early and probably nothing will happen on the busiest shopping weekend of the year why not just wait two days and do it on Tuesday morning? Because Etsy doesn't think, that's why. You noobs just be glad they're not rolling out V3 during the holiday season!!!

The Funny One said...

How Etsy manages to treat its sellers like complete shit day after day, year after year for 4 years is so insulting, it's really incredible that Etsy manages to stay in business.

Why, even the "evil" eBay is bending over backwards to offer incentives to get eyeballs to their site, in hopes it will migrate to sales FOR THEIR SELLERS.

Etsy? There are tens of thousands of us sellers who are waiting with bated breath to jump ship when other handmade sites start to take off-----------because they have made sure to NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES you do, and they treat their sellers like, well, their income source!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i hope the script they are installing will be a cattle prod type electric shock everytime for boohoohoo when she tries to troll thru cyberspace.

p.s. its a bad time to do it but just get the frickin site fixed already for xmas yo 40oz brooklyn guzzlers

Anonymous said...

Lolly said...

1-3am in the morning PST is not that big of a deal, let's not overreact..


Are you kidding me? I shop at 1 in the morning, sorry to say, and I know a lot of people that do too. Regardless of that, do you really think that Etsy will have it fixed in such a small window of time? I'm sure we'll be feeling the problems of this for weeks ahead.

eclipse said...

I shop at 1 in the morning, quite often.
I think they should have done it last week, like Wednesday night or something. If they have known they needed to do it ever since the last downtime, why save it for this weekend?

Eveline said...

4-6 am Etsy time is if I'm not mistaken 10-12 am for me in the UK, 11am-1 pm for West-Europe, and early evening for Australia etc... Great timing. Really.

If I as an international customer want to buy things on Etsy and make sure I have it before Christmas, I have to start ordering now. For custom work, I'm more than likely already too late. This is NOT the time to schedule maintenance.

Anonymous said...

What-- AGAIN???

Anonymous said...

Well there's no time that someone on the planet isn't awake, so griping about that is silly. It has to be done some time of the day.

Scheduling it the day before Cyber Monday is definitely cutting it close, but if it's something that is going to keep Etsy from breaking on Monday, then better now than later.

Have there been any screwed up maintenance outages since Chad has taken over? The last one in October went without a hitch and ahead of schedule.

Anonymous said...

Kali - it is going on tonight/tomorrow morning. Still horrible timing.

I also shop at 1am. It's much easier to browse without being "caught" by the person I'm shopping for. It's also prime shopping time for others around the world.

For those of you who don't think it's a big deal, think of all the time sellers have spent stocking their shops, running sales and promoting their shops for this weekend. We were prepared for this weekend, so why wasn't etsy? Because they couldn't do it right the first time.

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to add other then:

Sneaky, I think I love you!!!


Anonymous said...

Eveline - I think it's 5 hours, so 9-11 UK time. UK now being (so I've heard) 2nd biggest source of Etsy visitors.
Just the point where UK sellers have done family duty on Sat and are planning to sit down and list ready for Monday...Or at least, this one was.

Absolutely perfect. Couldn't do better if they tried.

The Kinky One said...

"Scheduling it the day before Cyber Monday is definitely cutting it close"

That, dear Bluh, is an understatement of biblical proportions. Anyone with any kind of experience in retail (which includes many here) could tell you that deciding to screw with the system right at the height of Black Friday weekend takes balls of steel. Apparent Chad has them.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, they expected to have this done last weekend, but something popped up that they couldn't fix within that maintenance window so they scheduled another one.

Let's imagine how this would have played out under the previous regime - first of all, there would have been no warning at all that any maintenance was scheduled, it just would have happened and if anyone raised a hand and asked why they couldn't upload a picture, RD would have answered on page 18 of a thread "Oh, we were moving the whole site to a new set of servers last night, maybe that had something do with it..."

Second, under the old regime, had they found a problem in the middle of their maintenance that they couldn't fix within their scheduled window, they probably would have just said "deadline be damned," slammed another Red Bull and let the site flounder for a few extra hours while they poked at the wires, rather than sticking to their window and scheduling another round of maintenance.

This time, we had notification. Now some will never be happy until Etsy starts making personal phone calls to every user explaining every time they plan to do anything. That's silly. The tech updates are two clicks from any page on the site and have an RSS feed. If anyone is so concerned about connectivity, I think they can be expected to at least subscribe to the maintenance updates. They stuck to their word and stuck to their schedule last week. They did it again this week. The site did not crash, the sky did not fall. Unfortunate timing. Shit happens. Non-issue.