Sunday, September 7, 2008

Quotables: Squawk!

To summarize

"It really makes etsy, as a whole, look so tacky. "

yes, those shops are the only thing that makes Etsy a joke....

Couldn't possibly be the drama, the cheap church bazaar crap made from cheap mass produced imported from china materials.... the stalking, the harassment, the cupcake fetish brigade, the people that think the rules don't apply to them and come in here breaking rules left and right to scream that other people are breaking the rules that make etsy look tacky, cheap, and like a coffee klatch of screeching craft harridans run amoke

::: squawk::: someone copied me ::::squawk:::::

:::squawk::: this person/craft/style shouldn't be allowed here. It should be a super sercret juried site for only the most amazing artists like myself::::::squawk::::

:::::squawk::::: why won't anyone buy my stuff???? I need to feed my kids and no one is buying, must be those damn Chinese ::::squawk::::::

::::squawk:::: it's ok I call out but NO ONE ELSE CAN BREAK ANY RULES and I WILL DEVOTE 20 HOURS A DAY TO TRACKING DOWN RULE BREAKERS because THEY are the ONLY REASON I can't make a living making stuff::::squawk::::

::::squawk::::: you can't use _________word because it offends me!::::squawk::::

nope. the sleazy stores that open on weekends against the rules, get a few sales and shut down by monday are the BIG problem.......

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Eveline said...

Those resellers opening their shops on weekends are part of the big problem. The fact that Etsy does very little to prevent this from happening every single weekend makes people angry and frustrated. Ok, it's not right to call out, but it's understandable the way Etsy keeps treating their users.

I wonder how many got muted last weekend....

Anonymous said...

::::squawk::::: you can't use _________word because it offends me!::::squawk::::

right on the money about that.

Anonymous said...

um, er ... all that fucking squawking makes it deafening to even enter the forums lately.

Resellers = problem, okay sure. I'll buy that.

But it's just the latest focus of attention. It's not THE big problem. It's just an easy scapegoat for the incessant bitching and moaning.

The Funny One said...
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The Funny One said...

I am smitten with the Squawk: "Now, who wants to volunteer all weekend to shut down resellers since Etsy is closed on weekends?" or......
Squawk: "Etsy Admins are so overworked, and have so much to do, how can any of us expect them to keep up with flagging? If they get to it in the next 6 months, that's just fine with me."

Squawk: Read the last 369 pages of the new Storque articles. You can even RE-READ the Best of Storque instead of Searching for those nuggets of gold on Storque Page 3,492.

Squawk: When you spend all day writing for your blog, no wonder flags pile up for 6 months. Resellers got wind of it, got the word out, and they are ready to rock and roll.

Closed on weekends? Food fight!

Caroline said...

As the one who started this weekend's NONhandmade revolution in the forums, I was a little hesitant to call out (I only called them resellers!) but look how fast it got results. I know it tuned into a free for all that probably went over the top, oopsie! :-) The other squawking is too much sometimes. Need more coffee before commenting further.

Anonymous said...

That was AWESOME. Thank you. The forums really are driving me insane lately - kind of like a train wreck - you don't want to see it but you just have to look, haha. Now it's all this Front Page crap. Why spend so much time fighting over it instead of improving your shop so that you get ON it?!

If I were admin and read all this whinging and complaining about every little thing on etsy, I'd really not be very moved to sort out the 'real' problems from the ridiculous.

Also, I agree, the ridiculousness, petty fighting, etc., makes etsy look like romper room - if I were a buyer/or anyone new to etsy and saw that I might think it was a completely unprofessional site and look somewhere else.

Of course, any time you chime in to one of the threads and try to be a voice of reason, the brats jump all over you with more ridiculousness. There are some great people there but BAH Humbug to the forums lately!

I'm so glad this site is here...

The Righteous One said...

I just want to remind everyone that personal attacks on other Etsians (whether we agree with them or not) won't be published in the comments.

Also, Anonymous comments will be deleted. Please choose a name - any made up or real name - before commenting.

Hyla said...

oy vay! I am truly having an Etsy Burn Out.....