Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quotable Quotes: Cupcakes are the new Koolaid

How do I keep from feeling the wrath of Etsy Admin?

"just be sweet and kind all the time. Just imagine you're a giant cupcake and post accordingly."

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's cute!


MajorFuckingEtsyBurnout said...

Add a mustache to that cupcake and your golden!

T.Allen said...

and large doe eyes...make sure it's vegan

Anonymous said...

If I could draw, I would *so* go list an ACEO of a Doe-Eyed Cupcake with a mustache watching a monitor with the Etsy Forums background on the screen...

(I still have no clue how to not cross that invisible line in between what-gets-one-banned and what-doesn't-necessarily)

bencandance said...

I don't want to be a love-oozing, hugging, hearting, rainbow-farting cupcake. Blech.

Can't we all just be who we are?

Elizabeth said...


Anonymous said...

Some of us are diabetic and all that sugar is going to kill us. :D

Anonymous said...

i think admin is finding inspiration in your posts. this is on the front page right now.

ahhh, perfection.

Anonymous said...

Cupcakes? How about we send them ex-lax cupcakes or maybe some Mary Jane cupcakes? LOL

Foxglove Studios said...

From a new Storque article:
"Did you realize that the way you communicate with your customers can actually promote repeat business?"


eclipse said...

As much as I love sweets, you cannot live on them or you will make yourself sick. A healthy mental diet includes all food groups, including ideas which may not be as tasty but which help us grow. Criticism is the mental equivalent of brussels sprouts.

Etsy, if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Foxglove Studios said...

Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.
~Winston Churchill

The Sparkly One said...

"wende said:
Some of us are diabetic and all that sugar is going to kill us. :D"

At least the cupcakes aren't made with Splenda, otherwise I'd have to tell ETC about my anal secretions.

jodie said...

I always imagine I'm a big cupcake when I post.

Eat me.

Anonymous said...

Pie, you're my most favourite cupcake EVAH!

Anyway, I suspect Etsy doesn't actually like who we are. I think the deal is: pretend to be something you're not and you're golden.

goofy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
j. hart photography said...

that whole article is interesting and just before your quote it says:

"I like Etsy but it's clear that the founders are idealistic and quite possibly out of touch with reality and the economics of mass-production. Many individuals produce hand-crafted items"

Anonymous said...

nom nom nom


Tabitha Brown said...

You all are hilarious!

Large amounts of sweets cause cavities.

The Kinky One said...

"Etsy, if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"

Muwahahahahaha! GREAT fucking album!


Anonymous said...

Muwahahahahaha! GREAT fucking album!


We don't need no thought control...