Sunday, June 22, 2008

For the record: poll results

Why Did RobKali buy the Esty Admin protest bead? The Final results!

a) a self-deprecating sense of humour
48 (27%)
b) insecure pettiness
65 (36%)
c) he hasn't had a date in a while
15 (8%)
d) Etsy Labs wants a new idol for the sacrificial altar
20 (11%)
e) Chris had a temper tantrum and flushed his matchbox cars down the toilet and needed something new to play with
9 (5%)
f) ooh, it's pretty
20 (11%)


Impetuous said...

I think buying it was just a way to cause more speculation and feed his ego. Insecure pettiness is the heart of the matter here!

Anonymous said...

You forgot the option for "whatever, I don't give a crap what he does..."

Anonymous said...

Insecure pettiness? Feed his ego?

Come on, seriously ... we know he's a crappy leader & CEO and reads inane children's books; but I really couldn't care less about psychoanalyzing why he bought something.

Who cares.
I only wish he would've had to pay more.

Impetuous said...

*waiting for whatever also, also to arrive*

Anonymous said...

I like psychoanalyzing why the CEO of Etsy bought a widget on eBay that is degradating to Etsy ...

Anonymous said...

Swimmy is not an inane children's book. Leo Lionni was an amazingly talented artist and storyteller and the story has a sweetly profound moral.

What's inane is that an adult (presumably) would use that story as the basis for anything remotely related to business, and that he would do so in such a proudly public manner should embarrass anyone over the age of six.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, all I can think is how nice it must be to have waste on typewriters, bikes, guitars, quilts, trips around the world and whatever else my little attention span desires at the moment...Oh well, back to work now.

Impetuous said...

"Oh well, all I can think is how nice it must be to have waste on typewriters, bikes, guitars, quilts, trips around the world and whatever else my little attention span desires at the moment...Oh well, back to work now."

You would waste your money on quilts?

Anonymous said...

LOL Impetus, nope I sure wouldn't nor bikes, guitars, typewriters, slogan t-shirts, crocheted chapstick covers, plastic owl earrings, fake mustaches, cupcakes or shittay prints....maybe I'm just not hip enough AND poor. Awesome!

Impetuous said...

"LOL Impetus, nope I sure wouldn't"

But you think everyone here is jealous that they can't? Explain yourself without the jazz hands.

Anonymous said...

Rather than wasting time wondering about $40 bead purchases and overpriced bikes, we should be wondering how much money Rob Kalin is dumping into The Parachute Project and the talentless artists (oft seen on Etsy's homepage and splattered in every Storque article) he financially supports there and its obvious yet secret relation to Etsy Corp.

Impetuous said...

also also where have you been?
OK. I'll start wondering about that right away...
*puts on her steampunk helmet and turns the knob to deep thought*