Sunday, December 14, 2008

Brooklyn Hipster Olympics

I know it's not directly related to Etsy, but it was sent in by a reader and if you are like us (and you are if you are reading this blog) you will find this just plain funny.
Disclaimer: Do not eat or drink while watching this video.

What... no Hammock Making Marathon?

And don't miss this deleted scene: The Ironic Mustache Event


Karen said...

"Empanadas are the new cupcakes!" That makes my day .

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's awesome!! I wonder how different Etsy would have been if it had sprung up in Portland or Seattle instead.

Ladies Auxilliary said...


Although...I do think I have those sunglasses somewhere. For when I go to Brooklyn and don't want to feel bad about myself.

Combustion Glassworks said...

That was filmed as a pod for CurrentTv.. I saw it awhile back before I knew JUST how funny it would be someday!

Etsy Portland would be hysterical.. all super crunchy hippy and glass would finally get the attention it deserves ;0 said...

Damn that's funny!

wristeroni said...

Simply Amazing! LOL LOL LOL

eclipse said...

empanadas are the new cupcakes
pirates are the new ninjas
robots were the new pirates
unicorns are the new chuck norris
hobos are the new unicorns


the hilarious thing is that Etsy really thinks these "trends" are widespread, not limited to a tiny sliver of them and their friends. Do they ever step outside their bubble?

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. Now I understand my son's clothing choices-- he has the exact same hideous plaid shirt as that one guy!
Actually, it's more of an urban age-group thing than a B'klyn thing-- it's everywhere.
And as soon as a style is everywhere, and someone makes a funny video about it-- it's on its way o-u-t ! Gotta love watching the trends come and go and come again in twenty years....

Anonymous said...

haha oh dear. this reminds me of all the ironic-mustached douchebaggery i witnessed at the bust craftacular today! you should have seen what walked through those doors.

The Cranky One said...

oh please do tell... be very specific. What crap did etsy pull, if they were there that is.

Anonymous said...

of course etsy was there. they were the first table you saw as soon as you walked in (and they also have a huge advertisement at the end of the vendor list/event program that was given out at the door). :\ mistress mary was sitting there with some other guy whose name i don't know (sorry!:( ), and my friends and i walked right past their lame display without bothering to look at what kind of crap they were selling. i also saw that admin girl with the many piercings (lori?) floating around the main floor. quite a few etsy sellers were there as well, but it's usually the same people every year. nothing too exciting, besides watching all the brooklyn stereotypes gallavant around like idiots.

Anonymous said...

Plaid Shirt Guy looks strangely like Cubist Literature...

Anonymous said...

Loved the part of that video where the guy was checking to see if the check from his parents had come yet. HAHAHA!!

Alorinna said...

*Just cracking up laughing at the video and all the comments*

This made my day, I mean week.


The Dangerous Mezzo said...

Fabulous. Best update of the "Upper Class Twit of the Year" sketch I've ever seen :)

I swear all these people work for Etsy.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo part--trying to take a posed casual photo.

Anonymous said...

steampunk is the new water

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Loved it!

creativesundries said...

HI.LARIOUS. The best parts where the ATM check and thrift store t-shirt diving!!!!! I laughed until I cried and tears fell onto my cowl. ;-|