Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quotables: Cupcake Edition

Recipe #1

How to clean cupcakes out of pipelines: Pour some baking soda into the pipeline, sprinkle in some glitter, follow it up with some vinegar. All the bubbles will move the abrasive glitter around scrubbing the frosting away and leaving the pipeline clean and clear.

Recipe #2
I see someone slipped crystal meth into the cupcakes...

If you were quoted, congratulations and thanks! You can find your
celebratory "I've been Quoted" (and other EB avatars) by clicking here.


The Funny One said...

Oh, you mean the cupcake residue building up on that Etsy pipeline for vacation mode? No. The jammed pipeline for shop statistics? No, nope. The wackadoodle pipeline for a holiday 2008 promotions schedule? No, nope, nada. Oh, you mean the about to explode pipeline for streamlined search? No way, no how, not in this life.

The Ebon Swan said...

Oh wow, I got a second quote. I'm so proud!

PolkadotToadstool said...

wOOt wOOt, glad to share my recipe to get the pipelines moving.

The Righteous One said...

hehe crystal meth


Anonymous said...

If there are custom cupcake pipeline orders, I'd like mine with a colorful mandala router in the front!

Anonymous said...

how are cupcakes still funny??! let's move on!

Turtletp said...

Forgive me, what the hell is "jumped the shark"?

Anonymous said...

Jumped the shark:

Referring to a "Happy Days" episode where Fonzie ski jumped over sharks..

Considered the absolute nadir of the program.

My, I do feel old now.


(and cupcakes still are funny to me...alas)

The Ebon Swan said...

::cough:: I was three when they aired that one...

Morrigan said...


Thank you, I never knew where that phrase originated from. (I gave up watching Happy Days after the first two seasons).

*cough* *cough* I was 12 when it was finally, mercifully put to rest.

Sherry said...

Last Christmas some of my work appeared on that live journal site along with some of my fellow very talented artisans.

If you think that site is that same as as EB, I don't think you understand the purpose of EB .

The live journal thread is a bunch of people who find delight in ripping apart the artwork of others. How is that constructive?

Anonymous said...

Live journal site ripping apart the artwork of others? Eek that sounds horrible!

Can you post the link?

Anonymous said...

beads4u2 on etsy - how about that?!?!!?