Monday, December 29, 2008

Blatant Favoritism, It Burns Us!

The favoritism, it burns!!!

As if it wasn't blatant enough, the current QYDJ article recipient, was also the featured seller on 09/26/08.

Yet again, Etsy FAILS. Lazy Ass Motherfuckers.


Anonymous said...

its almost like they put the 'brooklyn' carrot out just to tease us..

Anonymous said...

Well, no shit sherlock, if she was the featured seller, then OF COURSE SHE CAN QUIT HER DAY JOB!!! And I still want to see one QYDJ about a single person who has to support themselves and doesn't live in a cardboard box or their mother's basement.

Anonymous said...

Did you see this: "What was the deciding factor resulting in pursuing Etsy as your full time job?"

That's a little creepy. Etsy's a job?

The way it's stated kinda explains their f-ing lack of respect for sellers.

Anonymous said...

Maybe etsy considers this a followup story? Except that her interview isn't tagged so if you read the QYDJ article and click on the valhallabrooklyn doesn't bring up the interview.

Eveline said...

She may have quit her dayjob, but can she make a living, that's the question! And what does 'making a living' mean, anyway?


Captain Skulduggery Dug said...

I just find it laughable that Etsy is still trying to convince people that ETSY is the reason some are able to QYDJ. They hinder more than help any one. The people (and it is a very tiny, minuscule percentage of the users of Etsy) that do manage to quit their day jobs do it in spite of being on Etsy.

The unprofessional way the site is run reflects badly on all the sellers there!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we all moved to Brooklyn...

Anonymous said...

Go Brooklyn!

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Brooklyn, and don't really care to, but in my imagination, its a warren of small spare aparments each with a woman sewing up little crafty crafts or knitting cowls.

Anonymous said...

it's really not, i don't understand why etsy is trying to glorify brooklyn as some "hipster craftopia", because it's kind of a hellhole. my parents lived in brooklyn for awhile in a neighborhood with fellow immigrants from their country, but moved to the suburbs in the late 80's because the crime was so bad. however, i remember visiting their friends there when i was young, and it mainly consisted of rundown, crappy buildings, and every neighborhood was its own tight-knit community that housed different ethnic groups and nationalities. sure, the waterfront has a nice view of that manhattan skyline, and areas like brooklyn heights and park slope are genuinely pretty (but so expensive), but all in all it's still bombed out crappy-looking. especially the hipster areas, which my parent's old neighborhood has sadly turned into. you do see a lot of quaint "indie" shops scattered around now, and loads of hipster bikes parked on the streets, and yes, plenty of hipsters dressed like jackasses, but it all looks so out of place to me, considering i've experienced how brooklyn was really like (in which the etsy admin surely have not!). i also took a class at the etsylabs last summer, and it was a total shithole. i was actually appalled at how filthy the place was. i know they've done some renovations since i've been there last, but who knows.

pardon my long rant, i just hate this sugar-coated glorification of brooklyn. there are much better cities out there to pursue craft!

Anonymous said...

i forgot to add that plenty of luxury high rise condos and apartments are also being built in between all the run-down buildings, making the gentrification process even worse than it already was. it just looks plain STUPID.

and on a final note, the etsy admin need to be smacked upside their heads and realize that knitting a cowl on a porch stoop does not give them street cred.

Anonymous said...

In defense if the seller, she actually is based in Boston, does lovely, high-end work, and supports her family, I do believe... Nice to see a QYDJ person with high-end merch for once.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY noticed that. Lazy people should be replaced if they can't put more into their jobs-- where's the Boss???

Anonymous said...

YES, her work is absolutely beautiful.
But it's not about her work or her, it's about how lazy / self-serving those little Etsy Staff snots are.

Anonymous said...

The problem I really have with the QYDJ series is the attitude that is behind it, that being, Etsy is the magic pill that will fix everything. If you just work a little bit harder, list a little bit more and claw your way to the top a bit faster you can maybe quit your day job. But what does that even mean? Is it what Etsy considers QYDJ? Living hand to mouth, no money left over for leisure, emergency or luxury items? I assume that it is, because it seems that many Etsy users believe that making a living is following your heart and that, while wonderful, is not going to keep one from bumming change in front of the ATM machine.

Anonymous said...

I would like to challenge Etsy Admin not to feature a shop from Brooklyn for 3 months unless they are 100% deserving. Is that even possible?

Anonymous said...

There is such a limited pool of people who have been able to be successful, Etsy has to feature them twice.

Anonymous said...

If you just work a little bit harder, list a little bit more and claw your way to the top a bit faster you can maybe quit your day job. But what does that even mean? Is it what Etsy considers QYDJ? Living hand to mouth, no money left over for leisure,
I have tried that with no success, as I am not based in Brooklyn and nor am I one of the in crowd. Screw that. My house isn't selling, so I am going to have to go get a real job. Unless I can suck up to Etsy enough to be a featured seller....

The Funny One said...

Well, at least we all agree that Etsy has limited vision, and, if they had it their way (more than they do already) they would be fine with 200 stores total. Because 200 stores is about all they see and promote each year. And promote for months and months (and in several cases, for over 2 years).

The rest, who are so pissy as to demand actual SERVICE from Etsy, can go jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and Etsy will be there to throw hair-garlands and fingerless gloves at them in tribute.

The rest of us (not in the 200 favorites group) see what this amounts to: Etsy uses their site to give thousands of free advertising to stores that benefit from it. And then another plug (worth some sales) as the QYDJ.

Round and round they go.

So, 200 stores get all that free advertising, another 200 keep buying spots in the useless showcases, and that's why the viewing public thinks Etsy is really 400 stores that keep showing up on the front page in an endless cycle that repeats itself about every 10 days.

BORING, Etsy, really boring.

This is all you can come up with?

MI Zombie said...

Today's Specail:

Shit Samwich w/ a snide of snipe!

Anonymous said...

Typical-somebody's screwin' somebody over there.

Anonymous said...

The thing that really upset me about the article is that fact that there are no REAL suggestions for being successful. She didn't offer any valid advice for promotion. That's probably because she gets a TON OF FREE PROMOTION from Etsy. Her work is beautiful. This is not about her. But the article was a waste of space - not helpful at all.

And this sad, sad thread just demonstrates the attitude of those frequently featured with all the free promotion they get. I'm done - just done.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This is, I'm sure, off topic but how does Etsy even know who has a day job & if they quit & why. They don't know anything about me & they definetly don't ask.

ezrascousin said...

There's real Brooklyn and than there's fake Brooklyn, which is what Etsy often represents. Please don't blame Brooklyn which is actually a wonderful cultural melting pot, for Etsy's myopic vision of it. Simply being a bunch of under fed 20 somethings from the mid-west trying deperately (and failing) to be cool. Real Brooklyn - Hipster Etsy Brooklyn. Two different worlds.

Anonymous said...

I burn at the favoritism that they show all the time, but honestly, this woman is AMAZING! I have one of her purses, and it is seriously incredibly well-made, beautiful, and was created with the highest level of professionalism and customer service. It's too bad you've piled hate onto her; it's not her fault she's been featured so much--who among us would NOT love that kind of attention? She is a true artisan and a great person. Dump on Etsy, but please don't dump on sellers who are making it because they are so talented.